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groove is in the heart

Buddha described the human mind as being filled with drunken monkeys, jumping around, screeching, chattering, carrying on endlessly. We all have monkey minds, Buddha said, with dozens of monkeys all clamoring for attention. Fear is an especially loud monkey, sounding the alarm incessantly, pointing out all the things we should be wary of and everything that could go wrong....b.j.gallagher for huffington post

Buddha described the human mind as being filled with drunken monkeys, jumping around, screeching, chattering, carrying on endlessly. We all have monkey minds, Buddha said, with dozens of monkeys all clamoring for attention. Fear is an especially loud monkey, sounding the alarm incessantly, pointing out all the things we should be wary of and everything that could go wrong….b.j.gallagher for huffington post


The chills that you spill up my back Keep me filled with satisfaction when we’re done Satisfaction of what’s to come

I couldn’t ask for another No, I couldn’t ask for another

Your groove, I do deeply dig No walls, only the bridge, my supper dish My succotash wish

I couldn’t ask for another No, I couldn’t ask for another

Groove is in the heart, Groove is in the heart Groove is in the heart, Groove is in the heart

Watch out!

The depth of hula groove Move us to the nth hoop We’re going through to, Horten hears a who

I couldn’t ask for another No, I couldn’t ask for another

DJ Soul was on a roll I been told he can’t be sold Not vicious or malicious Just de-lovely and delicious

I couldn’t ask for another….deee-lite

more from bj gallagher:

“I’ve found that the Buddha was right. Meditation is a wonderful way to quiet the voices of fear, anxiety, worry and other negative emotions.

I’ve also found that engaging the monkeys in gentle conversation can sometimes calm them down. I’ll give you an example: Fear seems to be an especially noisy monkey for people like me who own their own business. As the years go by, Fear Monkey shows up less often, but when he does, he’s always very intense. So I take a little time out to talk to him.

“What’s the worst that can happen?” I ask him.

“You’ll go broke,” Fear Monkey replies.

“OK, what will happen if I go broke?” I ask.

“You’ll lose your home,” the monkey answers.

“OK, will anybody die if I lose my home?”

“Hmmm, no, I guess not.”

“Oh, well, it’s just a house. I suppose there are other places to live, right?”

“Uh, yes, I guess so.”

“OK then, can we live with it if we lose the house?”

“Yes, we can live with it,” he concludes.

And that usually does it. By the end of the conversation, Fear Monkey is still there, but he’s calmed down. And I can get back to work, running my business and living my life.

Learning to manage your monkey mind is one of the best things you can do to transform fear. Pay attention to how your monkeys act — listen to them and get to know them, especially the Fear Monkey. Take time to practice simple meditation on a regular basis. Learn how to change the conversations in your head. Practice kind, loving, positive self-talk and see how it can transform your fears.”

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