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“The primary thing when you take a sword in your hands is your intention to cut the enemy, whatever the means. Whenever you parry, hit, spring, strike or touch the enemy's cutting sword, you must cut the enemy in the same movement. It is essential to attain this. If you think only of hitting, springing, striking or touching the enemy, you will not be able actually to cut him.” ― Miyamoto Musashi, The Book of Five Rings

“The primary thing when you take a sword in your hands is your intention to cut the enemy, whatever the means. Whenever you parry, hit, spring, strike or touch the enemy’s cutting sword, you must cut the enemy in the same movement. It is essential to attain this. If you think only of hitting, springing, striking or touching the enemy, you will not be able actually to cut him.” ― Miyamoto Musashi, The Book of Five Rings

in my travels this week, i have encountered some roadways that took me to places unexpected. i will try to share some of those as i stumble through this post. it is like travelling at night because although i am confident about the direction i am headed, it is much more tentative just what things i may meet.

a fellow who just graduated from the RCA Colorado’s first training just nailed getting hired as a navigator for a local coalition. he needed that for his ability to pay rent, but he needed it for his sense of purpose even more. kudos Nicky….

the ongoing lesson in expectations continues. contractors have agreed to complete some work at the house, and consistently fall short of finishing tasks on time or on budget. the beauty of this lesson is the opportunity to live in disarray and dust longer than expected or wanted with no one to really hold responsible but myself. and here is sit with plaster hand prints and footprints scattered about like a firecracker ignited in a preschool workroom.

a former colleague (continues as community member) became wary of rca colorado’s credentials and credibility to perform recovery coach trainings in our state and contacted ccar to ask about our validity. the authenticity of our participation, certification, and collaboration was verified and it was even pointed out to the colleague that a video commemorating the most recent training was posted on their website. also offered was mention of a small collection of trainings that rca colorado has been entrusted (through proper channels) to share with the citizens of the mile high city and encompassing state. this is indeed a trust we hold dear and plan to take seriously. back to the colleague. wrinkled with irony, it turns out that the very same colleague has provided the very same trainings with much of the very same curriculum copied word for word and slide for slide from  copyrighted written words, sadly though without permission or credit given all logos have been replaced and all credit for ccar’s brilliant work has seemingly been grasped by this colleague and claimed as their own.  i believe the phrase “cease and desist” might be bandied about.  really a case of the pot calling the kettle beige. it remains unclear where this road will take us.

the next agenda items are the meeting minutes from the recovery committee from bhpac( behavioral planning and advisory council)

Recovery Committee

October 1, 2015

Action Item for the Recovery Committee

Member’s  Idea:  Create a certification for those implementing recovery support services.

  1. Develop certificate

  2. Develop training for certification

  3. Develop certification testing

  4. Develop effectiveness measurement

  5. Develop funding to take training

  6. Determine impediments to billing for recovery support services and work to end them

COPA – has certificate program in the works, so we can utilize this

  1. 60 hours of education

  2. 500 hours of work/volunteering

  3. 50 hours supervised by someone with credentialing

  4. Grandfathering in for those currently trained and working in the field

Needs for Certification Program:

  1. Appropriate tracking

  2. Stand-alone marketing

Other Ideas from last Recovery Committee Meeting:

  1. Strengthen and include RSS staff as being a part of the continuum of care for the behavioral health model

  2. See more recovery support services representatives on committees and boards

Member is going to put together a list of the committees and boards around the state.

  1. How do we include bridging the gap between consumers, peers and the providers?

  2. Strengthen gap between leaving treatment (before leaving treatment) and recovery strengthening the chances of long-term recovery

  3. Making a real practice of recovery support services after treatment or incarceration

  4. Funding training for peer recovery support

Members’ Idea:  Peer Recovery Web Site – a resource guide and point of access

  1. Would include persons in recovery, providers, administrators and ____

  2. Funding for someone to oversee the web site

  3. Social media component

  4. How would we measure the effectiveness of this?

  5. What is already out there? Check out other state’s resource sites.

Member’s Idea:  Court mandated treatment and peer support involvement

  1. The state of Georgia has a law to include peer support services in recovery services; check out this law and see if something could like it could be proposed in Colorado.

  2. Put together a presentation for BHPAC and DOC to answer why the DOC would want to fund recovery. Include:

  3. Recidivism & Cost

  4. Stats on incarcerated and mental health and substance use

  5. Co-occurring

Member has a contact who could help us create a video presentation.

  1. Have an evaluation survey to be completed after the presentation for effectiveness

  2. Who else would we be presenting to? Organizations and not just individuals.


Create an all-encompassing action item including the three main components discussed:

  1. Certification program

  2. Clearing house of resources with social media component

  3. Court mandated treatment and peer support involvement

Next Recovery Committee Meeting with New Time:

Monday, October 26th at 1:00 p.m.

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Since 2015, PCA has consistently provided CCAR Recovery Coach Training and Education.  The focus is  always on the individual. The  goal of the Recovery Coach Professional (RCP) is to help individuals, reach their full potential in recovery. 



Recovery Coach Trainings

1VOZ-Bilingual Telephone Support

El Paso County RECO 

RECO Pueblo

Chain Breakers Mesa County

Don't Look Back Center 

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