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my holiday mozartkugeln

my mother gave up a daughter when i was seven. we were reunited in the mid- 90’s, and saw one another from time to time. this year she flew out to visit us in colorado. i hadn’t seen her for 14 years. her son- my nephew- is now 20, 6’5″ and could be a linebacker. i hosted a get together for family and friends yesterday and my holiday really feels complete.

i can’t explain what it’s like to meet someone who was conceived by your mother and then grew up completely apart from her, who acts and sounds and thinks so much like your mum. strangely enough she’s an undercover sister from my damn mother.

i flew them out as a gift for my mom. it wasn’t a surprise, but i worked diligently at keeping it from being an overload situation on anyone. they stayed with me, spent time with her, with other family, and visiting denver. we did drive to breckenridge and had a little mountain breakfast and went on a small “worst holiday lighting” tour when we got home.

there isn’t a time when i would have imagined this past weekend’s scenario possible. yet there it was. like a small and lovely, dark and delicious mozartkugeln- buttery chocolate with marzipan and nougat inside. i am completely mad for mozartkugeln ever since my visit to germany. and i have gone completely bonkers for the newly visible members of my family….

little bits of wonderful

little bits of wonderful


A Mozartkugel, is a small, round confection made of marzipan, nougat and dark chocolate. It was originally known as the “Mozartbonbon”, and was created by Salzburg confectioner Paul Fürst in 1890 and named after Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

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