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Tele-Health/Recovery Coaching

Quienes Somos


Embark/PCA has partnered with Colorado-based ke’nekt, to provide in-person recovery coaching services, and virtual TeleHealth recovery coaching for programs, providers, or individuals seeking additional support. 

Contact Teri Smith and ke'nekt


Phone: 303-335-0471


ke'nekt's staff of Recovery Coaches are CCAR trained and certified. Recovery coaching is the next step after treatment, for those individuals in early stages of recovery from alcohol or drug addiction. We walk this road of recovery with the individual. By listening to and truly hearing the individual, we identify underlying issues, are then able to meet them where they are and help determine what is best for each individual based their specific needs. We also work closely with the individual’s family as well, which has often times been devastated by their loved ones disease. We offer comprehensive, individualized recovery coaching for both men and women. A unique recovery plan is completed with each individual and family based on their specific needs.

ke'nekt coaches will: 

  • Provide emotional support within healthy boundaries of mentoring, introduction to sober activities, and support groups

  • Present informational support through referrals to health, wellness, legal, and educational assistance

  • Provide instrumental support with stressful tasks such as licenses and insurance, applications and entitlements, court hearings, family reunification

  • Offer companionship in person, via phone, email, and text. A ke'nekt Recovery Coach is a reliable sources of support for those new in recovery


ke'nekt coaches also:

  • Strengthen communication between the individual and treatment professionals, peer and support groups, and their family

  • Address crucial life domains such as relationships/family, employment/education, and spirituality

  • Provide lifestyle support by introducing the individual to a new community that thrives in a sober life

  • Utilize peer based supports that encourages individuals to share common solutions to common problems

  • Provide consistent, non-judgmental, flexible support

  • Promote healthy family relationships by establishing boundaries, managing expectations, and rebuilding trust

  • Successfully change patterns of failure into patterns and strategies for sober living.

  • ke'nekt works with Medicaid and most private insurance policies.

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Desde 2014, PCA ha brindado constantemente capacitación y educación para el entrenador de recuperación CCAR. El enfoque siempre está en el individuo. El objetivo del Recovery Coach Professional (RCP) es ayudar a las personas a alcanzar su máximo potencial en recuperación.


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