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O Captain My Captain

In 2014, I flew to Connecticut and took CCAR's Recovery Coach Academy. Art Woodard was one of the trainers guiding us through the curriculum. There was much laughter, some tears, and some revelations for the 14 of us in that training. i returned home knowing that my heart and my mind had forever been altered in a glorious way. Upon my return, Art created a 4 day-CCAR training ag to address my concerns about community buy-in which we used for a several years.

I traveled back to Connecticut at least 4 times since then to receive Core Trainer status. Art guided me as I facilitated "Ethical Considerations" to 25 participants- the largest class I had ever had. He was so generous, so frank, and so supportive. At the end of the 3 days he said "I will train with you any day" which filled my heart with pride.

Art was scheduled to fly to Utah to do a training with Patrick Reznak, who happened to take the RCA with me in 2014, when Art experienced his heart attack. CCAR engaged our team for help and Rachel Fowler stood in for ART and another level of relationship between CCAR and PCA seemed to begin.

When Embark PCA started the Virtual Clubhouse, we recognized an opportunity to provide some world virtual class education/support for coaches with Art as a contributor under the moniker of "Soul Help" his consulting business. His online hour long sessions 2x week were extremely popular and got rave reviews.

Art Woodard (and Stacy Charpentier) will always be a huge inspiration to Embark PCA Recovery Services. ART personified "The Art and Science of Recovery Coaching" and understood and emanated support for others like very few can.

Rod Rushing Director Embark PCA Recovery Services

O Captain! my Captain! our fearful trip is done,

The ship has weather’d every rack, the prize we sought is won,

The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting,

While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring;

But O heart! heart! heart!

O the bleeding drops of red,

Where on the deck my Captain lies,

Fallen cold and dead.

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Since 2015, PCA has consistently provided CCAR Recovery Coach Training and Education.  The focus is  always on the individual. The  goal of the Recovery Coach Professional (RCP) is to help individuals, reach their full potential in recovery. 



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