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Re-seating the Soul

images credit- rudolf vlcek photography

i have been challenged since the beginning of this year by circumstances i am unable to control. it seems there have been more bumps in the road than i can remember in quite some years. fear creeps in and grabs the steering wheel now and again and i find myself drifting into unfamiliar territory and taking on more fear.

this spiritual journey i am taking has shifted. it’s almost as if i had completed another level of a video game and have moved on to a more challenging one. obstacles and challenges appear at odd intervals and my reactions to those have been influenced by the newness of the game environment.

i have switched my financial picture from steady to intermittent and this might be a major factor in the overview. my entire life has been synchronized by a regular paycheck and the last 6 months have been a very different picture. money comes in but not as a steady stream. i had no idea my security was welded to finances in this way. life is teaching me all about it now.

fear is like an invisible, odorless, tasteless toxic gas. it permeates on a cellular level and can quickly and succinctly debilitate its host (me). it can be deadly and often is. i am lucky though.

i am not dying today. i am feeling hopeful and i daresay it’s due to oprah. youtube is hosting her OWN super soul series and i somehow stumbled upon an interview with author gary zukav. i read “seat of the soul” some 30 years ago and it did change my life, albeit certainly not to the level oprah claims his insight changed hers. but hearing his message again, and being reminded that my journey is not a singular sailing (which fear would have me believe) but more it tune with a fleet of ships has brought a warm wind into the chilly mists through which i have been traveling these last few months.

in no way do i infer that i am evolved. i am a journeyman at best. but i did so need a reminder that i have more work to do and i need to get back to the fleet before i am swallowed by a storm.

thank you universe for reminding me that i may simply be lost temporarily and not in need of giving up. the story about baby ryan is powerful. as are most of gary z’s insights.

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